F.I.R. properties combined with specific frequencies
F.I.R. properties combined with specific frequencies
OMSTRIP, thanks to the F7 technology (created and patented by Flavio Forner), is an innovative patch.
Easy to apply, with immediate interaction, it is proposed in two versions : SPORT PERFORMANCE and THERAPY WELLNESS.
It can be considered as a facilitator of the body functions and in particular of the musculoskeletal system.
OMSTRIP SPORT PERFORMANCE is your ideal training and racing partner.
OMSTRIP THERAPY is at your side against small and big daily ailments.
The never ending work of frequencies, vibrations and codes.
In recent years, a lot of importance has been given to the study of the effects and the application that frequencies have in various daily life fields.
Professor Piergiorgio Spaggiari, physicist and surgeon, General Manager of the Valtellina Hospital, one of the greatest Italian pioneers of the so-called quantum medicine states that :
The biophysical aspect is a side of the same coin that many Western doctors still do not know. When we see a pathology already in place, if we had been able to intervene on the biophysical part, we might have been able to influence the biochemical reaction.
Well-being is a matter of orderly electromagnetic oscillations. On the contrary, the disease appears at the origin, and can be detected, as a disturbance of the electromagnetic network of molecular traffic control and only at the final stage, when it manifests itself with all its sequelae of symptoms, pains, becomes an anomaly of the body molecular structure.
The organism maintains a dynamic equilibrium thanks to the messages that the cells constantly exchange with each other in the form of extremely weak electromagnetic signals, at a defined frequency. It is precisely these infinitely small energies that quantum medicine deals with, perhaps the most futuristic complementary medicine,
Today many studies teach that every organism vibrates at a certain frequency. A healthy organism is harmonious when it vibrates at its right frequency, but when this frequency is altered, the organism suffers, weakens, and finally becomes ill.
Professor Piergiorgio Spaggiari, physicist and surgeon, General Director of the Valtellina Hospital, one of the greatest Italian pioneers of the so-called quantum medicine states:
The biophysical aspect is a side of the same coin that many Western doctors still do not know today. When we see a pathology already underway, if we could have intervened on the biophysical part we could perhaps have influenced the biochemical reaction.
Well-being is a matter of orderly electromagnetic oscillations. On the contrary, the disease is born at the origin, and can be detected, as a disturbance of the electromagnetic network of molecular traffic control and only in the final stage, when it manifests itself with all its sequel of symptoms, pains, becomes an anomaly of the molecular structure of the body.
The organism maintains itself in dynamic balance thanks to the messages that the cells constantly exchange with each other in the form of extremely weak electromagnetic signals, at a defined frequency. It is precisely these infinitely small energies that quantum medicine deals with, perhaps the most futuristic of complementary medicines
Today many studies teach that every organism vibrates at a certain frequency. A healthy organism is harmonious when it vibrates at its right frequency, but when this frequency is altered, the organism suffers, weakens, and eventually becomes ill.
Ernst Chladni (1756-1827), father of Cymatics, scientifically demonstrated how vibrations modify mass. In fact, it has been observed that each frequency induces the mass (sand and water in the Cymatics experiments) to be structured according to a certain shape which is different for each frequency. As our body is composed of at least 70% of water, its molecules will respond differently according to the frequency by which they are crossed.
Prof. Carlo Ventura, director of the laboratory of molecular biology and bioengineering of stem cells at the cardiology institute of the Bologna University, in close collaboration with the University of California, says that cells vibrate, just as the entire universe, and that transmitting the right frequencies to the stem cells, they can be trained to become specific cells of our organs.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife built a frequency generator with which he successfully treated 1,000 patients affected by an incurable cancer in the 30s. He was awarded 14 prizes and an honorary doctorate. What Rife demonstrated is that every health disorder has a frequency, which on the other hand responds (resonates) to a specific frequency, optimal for its healing-dissolution in the body. People who maintain their optimal frequency, at least the one of their immune system, will be able to prevent the development of symptoms and diseases.
Prof. Georges Lakhovsky in 1926 stated that cells, tissues and organs function as small radio receivers that resonate to the electromagnetic waves of their resonance frequency. If the cells are sick, then they vibrate at a different frequency than the natural one and to heal them you need to subject them to the right frequency to force them to vibrate at the “healthy” frequency for a certain period until they do it spontaneously, as if we were giving a boost to start a car.
Lakhovsky designed and built a multiple-wavelength oscillator, still in use today, which, by emitting countless harmonics, was able to resonate with any group of cells in the human body and he he used to treat so many people.
The German physicist Fritz Albert Popp demonstrated in laboratory how any living organism on planet Earth is able to emit even minimal amounts of light frequencies. These frequencies are the basis of cellular communication and allow the coordination of physiological processes and cell growth. In a similar way, the basis of diseases is the interruption or alteration of the frequencies emitted by the cell. Carcinogenic compounds block the transmission of light frequencies and Popp thus supported a natural cure for cancer based on the use of particular electromagnetic frequencies.
Many contemporary and past scientists affirm the same underlying principle: frequency is the key to healing and disease. Dr. Pier Mario Biava in Italy works on cell reprogramming stating that cancer cells are mutated stem cells because there is no frequency for normal development. By providing the right information frequency, the cancer cells return to normal.
We must consider that most of us, have particularly stressed daily lives full of emotional difficulties which lower the body frequency . So, we should regularly optimize this frequency, rather than waiting for it to drop to a low level.
Tissues respond to a specific light frequency
which determines biological reactions
R. J. Bourdiol
P. Nogier
“Towards the end of the eighties, we had the good fortune to meet the French neuro-physiologist René J. Bourdiol and to attend his courses of manual medicine and reflex therapy in Italy and abroad “.
F. Forner
In the 1970s, prof. P. Nogier, considered as the father of Auricular Reflexology, and the Neurophysiologist Dr. René J. Bourdiol showed that all somatic, normal or pathological tissues respond to a specific light frequency that influences their biological reactions
Thanks to these intuitions, the student and researcher Flavio Forner, starting from these teachings, develops over the years the F7 Technology from which several patents will come to life.
So, about 10 years ago, a first energy-therapeutic device called F7 Device was born. It explores and interacts with the biophysical and energetic aspects of the body, where:
F – stands for frequency
7 – recalls the number of therapeutic frequencies identified by Prof. P. Nogier in collaboration with Dr. René J. Bourdiol.
A path that has produced in this period of time tests, researches, and collaborations in many fields, touching many aspects of everyday life.
Coming to the present days, in 2019, always focusing on the opportunity to bring well-being to man through a natural technology, without any contraindication, OMSTRIP-F7 sport and therapy came to life.
An easy to apply strip, effective against pain, that improves daily gestures and increases performance and muscle output.
The studies carried out by Nogier and Bourdiol have led to recognize 7 frequencies, starting from a basal value very close to 2,5 Herz, which have been plotted and marked with the first letters of the alphabet.
A for everything that has to do with allergies, whether it is cutaneous or related to the mucous membranes, and for scars
B for local phlogosis, arthritic vascular disorders and rheumatic symptoms
C for muscle pain and performance
D for strictly median and symmetric pain
E for neuralgia radiculopathy of peripheral origin
F for all the neurovegetative and subcortical aspects
G in case of severe pain and for conscious or psycho-affective problems
Patented Product
c/ las Plazas, nº12
Benasque, Aragón
Cp 22440 – España
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